From Tuesday, April 9, 2024, the Allégorie menu is shedding, leaving aside its winter tones, to adopt the colorus of springtime. Goodbye pumpkin, tupinambas, bread siphon, broccoli and chestnuts. Welcome asparagus, artichokes, courgette, peas, morels and tomatoes. The Allégorie menu, following the rhythm of the seasons, temporarily abandons the topinamba in textures, the butternut and bread siphon, the sea bream with broccoli, and the "sea and field" fish with cauliflower, to integrate green asparagus from our garden, scallops with apple and truffle sorbet, turbot with tomato confit and grilled courgettes, Spring John Dory with white asparagus, peas and morels.

Another novelty: the caviar available in our online shop is also offered à la carte, in boxes of 20 and 30 grams.
Finally, dessert also change. The "éclair" is dressed in strawberries, the "tiramisu" metamorphoses into a "fraisier", the lemon invites tangerine, bergamot and lemon verbena to accompany it, the coconut and mango come to add their exotic touch, the chocolate transforms its delicacy into exquisiteness by inviting the caramel and the peanut ice cream to come together.